Itchy Pubic Hair: Causes, Treatment, Prevention

pubic hair itchy

Irritation is even more likely if you use a dull razor or shave without properly lubricating the skin. General treatments for an itch include moisturizer, corticosteroid creams, ice packs, and allergy medications. Diagnostic methods also vary depending on what other symptoms you have.

Candidiasis (yeast infection)

You can typically get rid of razor bumps by leaving the area alone. In most cases of simple irritation that causes itchy pubic hair, prevention methods can go a long way to helping someone avoid the issue. Intertrigo is a skin condition that causes a red rash to appear in moist areas of the body, such as the skin folds, the armpits, and the area near the groin. The Office on Women’s Health note that around 75% of all females will develop a vaginal yeast infection at some point. Cutting the hairs in this area may cause irritation, which can be worse if a person shaves too fast or uses a dull razor.

What Causes Genital Itching?

pubic hair itchy

So don’t attempt to self-diagnose if you’re unsure about what you’re dealing with. Along with itching, you might also notice cottage cheese-like discharge or redness and irritation of the outside skin, she says. People with psoriasis have an overactive immune system that causes skin cells to grow rapidly, causing itchy plaques and lesions. These rashes can flare up for a few weeks or months at a time. Applying a warm compress to the area for minutes a few times daily can help relieve folliculitis. You should also avoid shaving or other hair removal methods for at least 30 days.

What questions might my healthcare provider ask to diagnose itchy genitals?

From an emotional aspect, it's also common to feel embarrassed about seeking care or discussing the situation with your sex partner. Getting the right care and treatment can help you reduce symptoms and protect your well-being. Trichomoniasis, commonly referred to as "trich," occurs as a result of infection with the protozoan parasite Trichomonas vaginalis. The high infection and reinfection rates of gonorrhea have caused the bacterium to develop resistance to most types of antibiotics. This complicates treatment because there are limited antibiotics that remain effective against the disease.

Everything You Need to Know About Crabs - VICE

Everything You Need to Know About Crabs.

Posted: Tue, 26 Sep 2017 07:00:00 GMT [source]

Keep it dry

Rarely, some types of skin cancer can cause itchiness in the groin. The person may find very small bugs in their pubic hair or tiny, oval eggs at the bottom part of the hairs. Both the insects and the eggs may be very hard to see, often requiring a magnifying glass. Lice bites cause a reaction in the skin, leading to persistent itching in the pubic area.

Yeast infections occur when there is an overgrowth of Candida, which is a naturally occurring fungus on the skin. As a study in the Journal of Clinical Medicine notes, eczema is most common among young children. However, a smaller number of adults may also have recurring forms of the condition. Severe cases may require a prescription antibiotic or antifungal cream.


This causes intense itchiness, which may or may not be accompanied by a rash. Jock itch causes a very itchy rash with a scaly dark pink or reddish border. They cause intense itching and may spread to other body parts with coarse hair, such as the legs and armpits.

pubic hair itchy

Scratching also increases the risk of other issues, such as cuts and infection. Anyone uncertain about what the underlying issue is should contact a dermatologist for allergy testing. Our experts continually monitor the health and wellness space, and we update our articles when new information becomes available.

Chemotherapy medications are drugs that doctors commonly use to treat cancers. These drugs work by targeting and destroying cells that multiply rapidly, such as cancer cells. Some women may also lose hair from other parts of their bodies, including the pubic region. Folliculitis is often caused when hair follicles are infected with bacteria, commonly Staphylococcus aureus (staph). It may also be caused by viruses, fungi, parasites, medications or physical injury. A soak in the tub with a little bath oil does wonders for softening your sensitive parts pre-shave.

Those are the lice eggs, says Dennis Fortenberry, M.D., a professor of adolescent medicine at Indiana University. You’ll also probably experience itching on other body parts that were exposed to the allergen, too, he says. Your itchy balls will likely bother you more, though, since their thin skin is more sensitive to allergens. You’ll usually start to notice a reaction hours or even a few days later. Either way, you don’t want to skimp, or worse, aggravate an already-uncomfortable situation.

If you have unexplained itching, your healthcare provider may try several things to diagnose the underlying cause. Your primary healthcare provider may do some testing themselves or refer you to a dermatologist. Many cases of skin cancer are curable, especially if they’re caught early. If you have symptoms that could point to skin cancer, see your healthcare provider right away. Itching is caused by nerves, so many neurological (nerve) disorders include itchiness as a symptom. As with systemic diseases, you must get a proper diagnosis and treatment if your itch is caused by a neurological disease.

Make an appointment with your health care provider if your condition is widespread or the symptoms don't go away after a week or two of self-care measures. You may need a prescription-strength antibiotic or antifungal medication to help control the condition. Hot tub folliculitis causes round, itchy bumps that may later develop into small pus-filled blisters.

Crabs, the common name for pubic lice, are tiny insects that feed off human blood, holding on to the hair for support. If a person does not know why they have a persistent itch, they should see their doctor for a diagnosis and to discuss treatment options. Around 75% will experience a yeast infection at some point in their lifetime. Scratching increases your risk of cuts, bleeding, and infection. If your itchy pubic area is caused by a fungal infection, you risk spreading the infection to other parts of your body by touching it. They cause intense itching that is usually worse at night and most often affects the skin folds around the genitals, buttocks, breasts, and knees.

Find out what may be causing the itch and what can bring relief. Try to find a brand that has at least 1 percent hydrocortisone which helps inhibit inflammatory response. The latex in condoms might also have led to your current itching. But you can also contract them if you share towels, bedding, or clothes. Here’s why your “hair down there” might be bothering you, plus the best ways to ditch the itch. Then, when you've stopped scratching, think about what changes you’ve made in your routine recently.

Others will need stronger medical treatments and strict lifestyle changes to control. Using OTC antifungal medications may help treat yeast infections in many people. These topical treatments should relieve the infestation within a few days. Eczema, also known as atopic dermatitis, is a chronic (persistent) inflammatory skin condition that causes a scaly, red, itchy rash. Although the exact cause is unknown, eczema is believed to be the result of genetic and environmental factors. One thing is for certain – the struggle against ingrown hairs is real for those who shave, wax and pluck.

Many medications—both prescription and OTC—can cause itching. But pubic hair may play a role in helping to attract potential sexual partners – and increase sexual pleasure. Having curly hair can increase a person’s chances of developing pseudofolliculitis. People with sensitive skin may want to consider using an electric trimmer because the blade is further away from the skin than traditional razor blades.


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